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The brain is the most important part of the animal's body. From the talking and moving, the instructions for each job come from here.

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 Brain memory

  •  So if the brain is good, everything goes well. For this reason, scientists continue their research to increase brain efficiency. Scientists have also published a list of foods to improve brain function. Here is in the list-

 Coconut water
  • People who suffer from hypertension need to add coconut water to their daily diet list. Because coconut has high levels of potassium, it lowers high blood pressure. Although there is a lot of disagreement over the use of coconut oil in cooking. But some physicians say, add coconut to the diet.
  •  Coconut is a wonderful fruit. Coconut is incredibly rich in all vitamins, minerals, and calories. This is a fruit that you can use in your recipes. Add a little coconut powder to your vegetables for a taste in everyday food.

Benefits of Coconut Water:
  • Coconut water contains all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Coconut water brings back the electrolyte imbalance in the body and this drink is excellent for keeping yourself hydrated.
  •  It doesn't end here. Certain coconut oils also help increase your memory, according to some research data. Coconut also helps prevent diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's.

  • You can also add coconut to your diet if you want to lose weight. Coconut contains a lot of fiber because it absorbs nutrients slowly and keeps your stomach full for a long time.

 Dark chocolate
  •  Every day one piece of dark chocolate increases brain performance. Scientists say eating a small amount of dark chocolate helps reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. 

  • Walnut is very useful for the brain. It contains more omega-three fatty acids than nuts. It protects the brain from any disease.

  •  An easily available vegetable tomato in our country. These vegetables are now available in Bangladesh almost every year. It helps increase brain power. Tomatoes contain lots of anti-oxidants. This ingredient protects brain cells from damage. Besides, tomatoes also help to increase memory.

 Salmon and marine fish
  •  60 percent of the human brain is made of fat. So fatty acids are needed to keep it active. Marine fish - such as salmon, tuna and other marine fish - are quite useful as brain foods. Because these foods contain fatty acids. This ingredient helps protect against Alzheimer's disease.

  • Vegetables contain a lot of potassium. This component increases the brain's connectivity and enhances memory. It also contains a large number of anti-oxidants.

 Green Tea 
  • Green tea is now available everywhere in Bangladesh. Researchers say that green tea increases brain connectivity. Also, it protects Parkinson's. Three cups of green tea a day without sugar is extremely beneficial for the brain.

 Blue Berry
  • Blueberry pairing to increase intelligence. It contains flavonoids. It also helps to increase memory. It also protects the brain cells from being damaged. Blueberry also protects against Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.

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