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Many people die every year from various cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attacks). According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. This mortality rate is not limited to heart patients only. People of all ages are dying of heart failure. Generally, those who have problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity are more likely to have a heart attack. There is no specific age limit for a heart attack.
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Heart attack.

  • All diseases require at least an initial treatment. A heart attack is no exception. In the event of a sudden heart attack, some important steps must be taken until the patient is taken to the hospital. These manipulations can also lead to the premature death of the patient. To prevent this premature death, we should all have a clear idea about a heart attack

Symptoms of a heart attack
There are several symptoms that occur before a heart attack. Patients and other family members should have a clear understanding of these symptoms. If you have an idea about this, it will be easier to get proper treatment by entering the hospital quickly.

  • Chest pain is the first and foremost symptom of a heart attack. Pain is felt in the middle and left sides of the chest and gradually its severity increases. The patient may feel that some pressure has been placed on his chest. It may also seem that something is stuck in the chest. This pain is felt continuously or for a while.

  • Difficulty in breathing. In addition to chest pain, it can be difficult to breathe.

  • Acute pain is felt in the jaw, hands, and neck in the upper part of the body (from the navel).

  • Dizziness, nausea, and indigestion can occur.

  • In the winter, frequent sweating, blurring of eyes, loss of body balance, etc. are among the regular symptoms.

Patients should be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible if any of these symptoms occur and some special measures should be taken prior to admission.

Whatever you need to do before getting to the hospital
 If a patient has a heart attack, taking an immediate arrangement can reduce the severity of the heart attack. Everyone must have an idea about these things.

First, the patient needs to take painkillers
  • Immediately after feeling pain in the chest, the patient should take aspirin. Many patients may be allergic to aspirin. In that case, the doctor will have to take other painkillers that he has prescribed. It is good to know from a doctor whether it is worthwhile to chew painkillers. This is because chewing drugs react faster on the body than on Swallowing. If you do not have the strength to chew, then the medicine should be powdered and consumed.

Should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible
  •  Need to hire an ambulance to the nearest hospital quickly. The ambulance numbers of the emergency departments of some hospitals, therefore, should always be kept on the speed dial of the cellphone.

You need to notice if the patient is having trouble breathing

  • If the patient has difficulty breathing, adequate ventilation should be provided to the body. For this, the excess cloth of the body should be loosened. Many times a patient's tongue may be stuck in the throat. If that happens, then you have to get rid of it quickly. Care must be taken to ensure that the vomiting does not actually go into the airway.

CPR method should be applied when the heart rate is stopped
Know the Rules for CPR -
CPR method
1.Supine to the patient first, Then you need to see if there is a pulse and if the patient is breathing.

2. The lock should be made with the finger of the other hand by extending one hand. The upper part of the palm of the hand should be pressed vigorously 2 times per second, with the lower part of the chest just right in the middle.

3. Be careful not to fold the two hands. In such a way, the pressure should be given one and a half to two inches.

4. After pressing 30 times in this manner, the patient should open his mouth with his hands on the forehead and spit. Then you have to breathe loudly in the mouth twice.

5. Then follow the same procedure 30 times and press the chest twice and breathe twice. But if all of these methods do not work, the patient should be taken to the hospital within minutes.

It is important to remember that the CPR method should be applied only when the heart stops working. Although the heart does not work through this system, the blood circulation in the body continues.

Things that should be avoided
We can often make many wrong decisions in the event of a sudden accident. The consequences of these can be tense for the patient. So we need to be careful that we do not make any mistakes in some matters. As -

It's not okay to be overly excited about a patient's abnormalities

  • Can't be scared. It is natural that a person will be nervous when he sees a man behaving abnormally with his hands in his chest. But keeping the head as cool as possible will help in dealing with the situation quickly. Time is a very important thing here.

Drugs should not be kept in a high place and in a drawer

  • The patient's medicines and diet should always be kept in a convenient place near the hand. It is best to put them in a position that is readily available if needed.

The patient cannot be allowed to go to the hospital by car alone

  • Patients with chest pains and irregular breathing will never drive themselves to the hospital. In this case, any other driver or neighbors need help.

Be careful about serving medicines outside of prescribed drugs

  • It is not advisable to take any medication other than those prescribed by a doctor. Have a detailed discussion with your doctor about what medications you can take and should not use.

People with weak hearts should avoid hard physical labor

  • If you have weak and irregular breathing problems, no heavy physical workouts can be done. It disrupts blood circulation in the body. The doctor should know which exercises are good for the body and which are not.

The pain can not be tolerated at all

  • If the chest pain increases, it is not okay to tolerate it silently. It can be late if you think that the pain will subside. And the onset of pain is a major symptom

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